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PoliticsGirl: Kamala Did What?!

Leigh McGowan, AKA PoliticsGirl:

Now there’s a point where we have to ask ourselves how competent and qualified a woman, especially a woman of color, has to be in this country to be taken seriously, because to say someone with all of those qualifications is incompetent or unready to lead just makes no sense.

Whether you support Kamala Harris, dislike her, or know nothing about her, take ten minutes and watch this video. It’s filled with gems I could quote at length, but really, just watch.

But allow me one more:

if we can just put aside our country’s sad history with racism and misogyny, and realize that we are in an incredibly powerful position with a kind, competent, forward thinking incrementalist running for reelection, and a powerful, passionate, brilliant progressive waiting in the wings, we will see that we have a winning ticket. And the sooner we realize that, the less powerful those who seek to undermine it will be.

I don’t know how I’ve not heard of PoliticsGirl before today. I instantly subscribed to her YouTube channel based on this one video, and the rest of what I’ve since watched are equally impressive.

She also has her first book coming out, which I’ve preordered.
